Load Testing Web Applications
Stress Testing Web Applications
Today’s Web applications combine a range of client and server side technologies, dynamic values and complex logic that all need to be tested under load. WebLOAD was designed and built from the ground up for stress testing web applications. It provides a robust solution for testing web applications that is both easy to use, and capable of coping with real-life testing challenges.
The WebLOAD solution for Web/HTTPS features:
- A robust solution for test creation and test execution including record and replay of HTTP/S traffic without the need for any manual browser configuration.
- Support for additional protocols including LDAP, FTP, NNTP, POP3, SMTP, IMAP, TELNET, SSH, TCP and UDP.
- Editable test scripts that you can enhance using native JavaScript or by embedding calls to Java code or databases.
- Automatic correlation of dynamic values and creation of parameters to ensure that tests replay reliably.
- Built in support for SSL and HTTP/S, automatic recording of username/password, and support for basic HTTP authentication, NTLM and Kerberos.
- Built-in monitoring and analytics of leading server technologies to rapidly identify the source of bottlenecks.
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