API Load Testing
Using WebLOAD you can load test any API such as SOAP, WSDL and RESTful web services, regardless of the transport layer (HTTP/S or JMS). WebLOAD supports all HTTP/S methods, including WebDAV, the HTTP extension, and any data format – plain text, XML or JSON.
SOAP Load Testing
WebLOAD includes dedicated building block where your WSDL files are automatically parsed and the SOAP commands are automatically created. As usual you can record any SOAP request via WebLOAD proxy recorder.
Restful And HTTP Web Services Load Testing
The built- in support for RESTful web services includes all HTTP methods such as GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS, etc.
In addition WebLOAD supports WebDAV (Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning), the HTTP protocol extension which enables the collaborative editing and management of files on remote web servers. WebLOAD seamlessly records and replays WebDAV requests and commands such as COPY, MOVE, LOCK, etc.
Similar to SOAP requests, you can create the command via a dedicated building block or record any request via WebLOAD proxy recorder.
Scripting and Correlating APIs
In many Web Services it is common to transfer parameters to the service via form data. WebLOAD presents such parameters within the script as part of the form data, making it easy to manipulate values.
With WebLOAD scripts, XML and JSON objects can be presented in a string or in a JavaScript object, making it easy to manipulate the values according to your needs. Using the JSON and XML parser you can easily convert between the raw Web Services request and a JavaScript object.
WebLOAD identifies dynamic values in XML and JSON values and performs automatic correlation, which you can easily edit. The parameterization manager lets you easy parameterize your services with any values.