Liquidity Services Case Study
Liquidity Services Ensures Marketplace Performance With WebLOAD
About Liquidity Services
Liquidity Services, Inc. (NASDAQ: LQDT) leads the surplus assets industry by providing innovative online marketplaces and integrated services for surplus assets
Millions of users access the company’s e-commerce websites to perform online transactions such as purchase surplus inventory from retailers, perform asset disposal, sell excess inventory, etc.
Ensuring Marketplace Performance
With over 4.2 million transactions across 500 asset categories, the ecommerce websites have a business-critical role in driving annual revenues of over $950M. Management wanted to ensure the availability and top performance of the company’s marketplaces at all times through effective load and performance testing.
Identifying Bottlenecks
“The challenges we had was simulating real user load in our performance testing to get an idea how our servers behave in production”, says Sandeep Pokala, Liquidity Services performance engineer. “All our code was written in Perl language and we are in the process of migrating to Java.”
Taking advantage of WebLOAD’s easy script creation and automated correlation, the testing team was able to model load test scenarios that simulate production patterns and to identify several potential bottlenecks “We have identified gateway time out errors, ‘server not found’ errors, and memory leaks that we detected during longer endurance tests.”