Parameterization provides the ability to incorporate variations of users and activities into your load test script to simulate load with realistic user scenarios. Without parametrization, you are testing one thousand instances of a single user vs. the more realistic scenario of a thousand different users hitting the server.
The implications can be twofold: in some instances, using the same data may result in errors that would prevent you from testing the expected application response. In other instances, even if no errors are generated, user and session data are cached, so you are effectively testing the cache instead of the application.
Either way, the results of your load tests will be misleading without proper parametrization of your scripts.
How Does WebLOAD’s Parameterization Work?
WebLOAD’s automated parameterization ensures that your script represents a variety of users and activities that correctly stress the application – automatically replacing date, time, string, integers, or planned values that are in a file, and deal with the uniqueness of the values.
Execution without Parameterization
The users input while recording is Login = John and Password = secret123. Without parameterization, all 4 users are using the same values.
Execution with Parameterization
The user input while recording is Login = John and Password = secret123. With parameterization, all 4 users are using different values.