Performance testing with Real Mobile Devices
WebLOAD’s integration with Perfecto Mobile lets you run realistic mobile performance testing to accurately evaluate the mobile user experience while the system is presented with load conditions. As part of your website performance testing, you can measure the response time and availability of key transactions inside a mobile application under simulated real-world conditions – including backend server load, network conditions and specific mobile device.
Using WebLOAD, you stress your system’s backend by generating virtual user load. In parallel, Perfecto Mobile is used to test the behavior of the front end with real mobile devices and various network conditions. WebLOAD aggregates all metrics – both from the real device and from the backend servers – and provides you with a complete performance test report.
Mobile device scripts with Perfecto Mobile
Using Perfecto Mobile you record a test script to be run by any number of real mobile devices. Your test needs only be created once and can then be run in parallel on multiple device types.
Execute and analyze results in WebLOAD
Within WebLOAD you can easily select the Perfecto Mobile cloud, script(s), and devices, to be included as part of your overall load test scenario.
While the load test is running, WebLOAD captures all front-end measurements from Perfecto Mobile letting you view the response time for each transaction from the mobile device to the backend servers and back. You can also evaluate within WebLOAD analytics mobile device metrics like CPU, memory and battery usage. You can also view side-by-side measurements of device-side data and server-side information to fully evaluate the correlation between all test components.