User experience is defined as the experience of a user when interacting with any product – how the use of the product is easy or comfortable.
The digital world user experience isn’t very different, and includes besides traditional product user experiences, specific digital UX, such as website design, navigation, page download times and others.
In today’s industry of rapidly growing interfaces, UX design has become increasingly important, and include business critical systems, that need to stand in growing customer needs.
When developing web application, the users experience needs to be in the developers mind all the time, making sure that any development change in the application will not affect the users experience.
When testing the performance of an application you need to make sure to consider the following characteristics:
Executing from real locations:
A user in New York will not experience the application the same way as a user in Tokyo, and for this, it’s important to understand were most of the users are from, what are the conditions in those places and how that effects the user.
Executing with real devices:
Understanding mobile users’ behavior and what effects their experience is very important. In order to really measure it, it needs to be tested with real devices. Only then, the measurements are correct, and the application behavior is known.
Executing with real browsers with real network speed:
Not all users work with the same speed. Different locations may have different speeds, different devices may get different speeds, and even in the same location and device different service providers provide different speed. Conduct test it with the right speed that represents real users.
WebLOAD offers a holistic solution that covers these issues and ensures correct and realistic tests. When creating a test, you can mix between them and create your own combination of location, device and speed.
WebLOAD allows to execute a simulated virtual client to create an effective load by simulating browser and mobile activity and execute real browsers or real devices on dedicated machines in order to measure the real user experience.
All measurements are collected to the test database, to be further analyzed via WebLOAD Analytics Module or via WebLOAD Dashboard.
The main load generation is done via simulation. It can be done via simulation from different locations in the organization using on premises load generators or cloud load generators from several locations (Amazon, for example).
Adding real browsers activity can be done using Selenium, Ranorex, Original Software, etc. In this case, WebLOAD collects performance measurement from the browser itself and receives real timings of the browser activity.
Like the browser, real mobile devices can be executed from different locations in the world using WebLOAD’s integration with Perfecto Mobile, Appium, etc. As with the browser, user experience activity can be measured as well as the mobile system information that helps learn the effect of the server behavior on the mobile CPU, memory, battery and other measurements.
A Perfect Mix!
Mixing real clients and simulated clients gives the power to create a load test with a practical testing environment and gives the ability to measure all types of real users. With this solution, besides activating the real device/browser and collecting measurements from it, it’s reusing sources, for example, using a ready-made Selenium script without creating a dedicated scenario just for WebLOAD.
Learn more about WebLOAD’s holistic solution – schedule a DEMO with us